Bayern won the “civil war”


Pablo Lasso’s team practically “cleaned up” the game from the second quarter and added another victory to their record, beating Alba 82-65.

Bayern Munich added one more victory to their tally, beating Alba 82-65. Brankovic was the top scorer for the winners with 14 points and 8 rebounds, while Spanjolo and Wedgel stood out for the losers.

Alba came into the game very strong, surprising their opponents who couldn’t understand what hit them… After an initial 4-4 run, the hosts went on a 9-0 run, with Wedgell as the main exponent, and by the end of 5 minutes the score was 13-4 for Alba. Pablo Lasso’s players tried to pick up the difference and get back in the game and they succeeded, as Edwards led the way, cutting the lead to 13-12, while an Ibaka three-pointer made the score 17-17, just before the end, with the quarter ending with a score of 19-19.

“Explosion” Brankovic and Bayern at +13

The second quarter belonged completely to Bayern, which with very good defense and Danko Brankovic… was on his way to the end of the game. In the first 4 minutes the Berlin team could not score, unlike Brankovic who led his team to a 19-32 lead and a 0-13 run. Brankovic finished the first half with 14 points, 7/8 2-pointers and 7 rebounds, with Bayern going into the locker room leading 30-43 and 11-24 in the second quarter.

Alba tried to come back but Francisco said “no”

In the second half, the hosts tried to fight back, despite Edwards making it 32-46. Spagnolo took the offensive initiative and cut the lead to 37-46, while former Panathinaikos player Matt Thomas connected with Bayern’s basket and brought the difference to 5 points, 47-52. And while the game seemed to be a derby, the guests found the solutions through Bump and Francisco and closed the quarter with a 15-point difference, 51-66.

The continuation was similar in the fourth quarter with Francisco continuing to perform very well and maintaining his team’s lead, 57-72, at 33′. Francisco was again the player who made it 60-77, scoring 14 points with four minutes left, and the final score was 82-65.

Minutes: 19-19, 30-43, 51-66, 65-82


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