Bozikas: “This year’s team is better than last year’s”


George Bartzokas’ direct associate, Giorgos Bozikas, after the end of the game against Armani Milan, spoke about the cheap mistakes that the Olympiacos players make, while he also compared last year’s team with this year’s team.


The details of what he said to the Nova camera:

“It was a close game. The differences don’t give you any security, today we controlled the game for 35 minutes and we saw that Armani came back into the game with big shots. We managed well a game where we were under a lot of pressure. The defenses we played in the last two minutes and the decisions made by Goss and Faul gave us the win.

The way Armani plays takes you out of the comforts of life, we had to play faster and read the situations. The truth is that we are concerned about the fact that we make cheap mistakes, it comes from our poor execution and poor decisions, it’s something we are working on and we want to fix it in the future.

In the first half we had 7-8 missed layups that fortunately we didn’t pay for, we are a team that has chemistry, the players find rhythm, they find confidence. We were put under a lot of pressure by Armani, but we have personalities, because this has been heard amidst everything else. We have personalities, today Goss took five big shots.

All the players are important to our roster, we are very optimistic about the future. Any other team with the problems we faced in the first round would have been broken, we are very optimistic about the rest of the season. This team has more potential than last year’s team, we have more talent, we have a deeper roster and the only thing left is to work together”.

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